Name 'Cast for Dignity' Mobile Phone Strap
Size 手機掛繩夾片 + 120公分掛繩 / Mobile Phone Strap Adapter + 120cm Rope
Weight 200.00 g
Price HKD$ 90.00
Remark為「霜雪明金玄鈎沉」展覽特別設計的手掛機繩,印有帶鈎圖案,把文物連繫到生活日常。側揹掛繩可調節,配有夾片和仿皮掛片,適用於大部分手機殼。 'Cast for Dignity' mobile phone strap is specially designed with the patterns of belt hooks, connecting antiques and daily life. The adjustable cross-body strap with a phone strap adapter and a faux leather hook applies to most mobile phone cases.