Name Sparkle and Charm: Canton Enamels of the Qing Dynasty (Essays) & Sparkle and Charm: Canton Enamels of the Qing Dynasty (Catalogue)
Related ExhibitionLink to related exhibition
ISBN978-988-19494-1-7 & 978-988-19494-6-2
PublisherArt Museum, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Publishing Date (Year - Month) 2023-10
Language中文 及 English
Binding FormatPaperback
Size 22 cm X 29 cm
Weight 3.59 kg
Price HKD$ 1200.00
Remark本論文集的專題文章涵蓋了不同學者的原創研究,探討清代廣東琺瑯,範疇涵蓋發展史、工藝、繪畫技法等。 This collection of essays comprise the original research of different researchers, studying the Canton enamels of Qing dynasty from various perspectives, namely history, craftsmanship, ways of painting, etc. 本圖錄讓讀者重溫「總相宜」特展的精選清代金屬胎畫琺瑯、相關瓷器及畫作,以及廣琺瑯發展史等。 Through this catalogue, readers may revisit the precious Canton enamels of the Qing dynasty along with complementary porcelain and paintings of the exhibition
Table of Contents

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