Name | Refilling the Interregnum: Newly Discovered Imperial Porcelains from Zhengtong, Jingtai and Tianshun Reigns (1436-1464) of the Ming Dynasty |
ISBN | 978-988-19493-1-8 |
Pages | 523 |
Publisher | Art Museum, The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
Publishing Date (Year - Month) | 2019-05 |
Language | 中文 & English |
Binding Format | Flexibound |
Size | 21.3 x 29.1 |
Weight | 2.30 kg |
Price | HKD$ 500.00 |
Remark | 本書為展覽「填空補白II:考古新發現明正統、景泰、天順御窯瓷器」同名圖錄,全書以彩色精印,中英對照。收錄158件(套)御窯瓷器標本,均精選自景德鎮御窯博物館珍藏,以2014年景德鎮御窯廠最新考古發現為核心,分為「石破天驚」、「帝王好尚」、「宴饗用器」、「盛世餘緒」、「承前啟後」及「綻放異彩」六個單元,圖版以多角度多細節呈現為特色。此外,圖錄同時刊佈研究專文五篇,另附正統至天順大事年表、宣德至成化瓷器紋樣對比表、三朝紀年瓷器表、紀年墓出土瓷器表等重要資料。 This bilingual catalogue with full colour illustrations is published in conjunction with the exhibition ‘Refilling the Interregnum: Newly Discovered Imperial Porcelains from Zhengtong, Jingtai and Tianshun Reigns (1436-1464) of the Ming Dynasty’, which features 158 selected items from the collection of Jingdezhen Imperial Ware Museum, and contains six units including ‘Grand Masterpieces’, ‘Imperial Amusements’, ‘Tableware’, ‘Remnants of the Glorious Age’, ‘A Period of Transition’, and ‘The Success Story’. It also includes essays and important information such as a comparison table of porcelain motifs from the Xuande to Chenghua reigns. |
Table of Contents |
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