Name Artistic Crosscurrents from Guangdong: Selected Painting and Calligraphy from Late Qing to Republican China (Collection of the Art Museum, The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Related ExhibitionLink to related exhibition
PublisherArt Museum, CUHK
Publishing Date (Year - Month) 2022-07
Language中文 及 English
Binding FormatFlexibound
Size 24.4cm X 32cm
Weight 2.22 kg
Price HKD$ 550.00
Remark本書由何碧琪博士主編,聯同梁基永博士及童宇博士撰文,闡述廣東文化精英在不同地域的鑑藏及書畫相關活動與貢獻。上篇討論晚清至民國的時局變化、具代表性的書畫與碑帖收藏,以及書法、篆刻及繪畫發展;下篇敘述廣東文化精英在北京、上海、香港等地的書畫及鑑藏活動。此書是《廣納百川:明至清中期廣東書畫選》的續篇,兩次展覽圖錄是本館成立五十周年的金禧獻禮。 Compiled and written by Dr. Peggy Ho, with essays contributed by Dr. Liang Jiyong and Dr. Tong Yu, this book introduces collections of painting and calligraphy and related activities, and presents the contributions of Guangdong cultural elites across a broad geographical area. The first part explores representative painting, calligraphy, and rubbing collections, as well as calligraphy, seal engraving, and paintings from that period. The second part examines painting, calligraphy, and collection activities by Guangdong cultural elites in Beijing, Shanghai, and Hong Kong.
Table of Contents