名稱 | 《海角嚶鳴:香港中文大學文物館藏蘇文擢致何叔惠函牘》 |
ISBN | 978-988-237-284-9 |
頁數 | 364 |
出版社 | 香港中文大學出版社 |
出版日期(年-月) | 2023-08 |
語言 | 中文 (Chinese only) |
裝訂形式 | 平裝 |
呎吋 | 19cm X 28cm |
重量 | 940.00 克 |
價錢 | 港幣$ 380.00 |
備註 | 香港中文大學文物館藏蘇文擢教授致何叔惠先生的詩文書信六冊,多寫於上世紀五十至八十年代,1997年由何叔惠先生捐贈予文物館。大學圖書館將信函翰墨整理,各附釋文與詩文本事按語,本出版收入《香港中文大學圖書館叢書》第十種。 This book compiles, transcribes, and annotates Professor So Man-jock’s letters which were mostly written from the 1950s to the 1980s. This collection is in six volumes and was previously owned by Mr. Ho Shok-wai. The letters were donated to the Art Museum of The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1997. This book will be added to the CUHK Library Series as University Library Series, No. 10. |